Wednesday 11 January 2012

First real Youtube upload!

Hey internetz!

So today I decided to bite the bullet. I have filled out the application to begin a TAFE course studying a diploma in information technology (networking).

Also, even though so far my blog has been about WoW, LoL and my gaming endeavours, as those of you who know me will know, and those of you who don't will, over time, begin to understand, I am very sporadic with my hobbies and job interests. Which leads me to my next big news: I have uploaded a video response to a "miniwargaming" video on youtube, detailing some of my favourite painted and presented Warhammer 40k miniatures!

I know what you're thinking (although, I'm not  "Australia's Simon Baker!". God Damn Cable TV advertising), I am a total NERD! Well.... you're 100% correct! I love miniature war games, and have on and off for my whole adolescent life. I have never had the chance to play real matches, because I was so old when I started playing that I was kind of excluded from the TINY circle of mini war gamers there was in my tiny home town of Darwin Australia. But WHO CARES?! I pressed on, collecting, losing, re-collecting, selling, buying, painting and loving Warhammer 40k on and off for my whole life which has led me to he small collection that I have today and all the friends I have made along the way. (Not to mention the friends that I have introduced to the hobby.... you know who you are Duane).

So please, if you're reading this, Follow the link that I put up, watch the video, subscribe, like and comment on the video, and if you feel so inclined, suggest a miniature that you would like to see painted.

Also, to show off some of my painting abilities, I am going to try to hunt down pictures of a computer case that
I painted in a Kandy apple orange (yes, the REAL House Of Kolor stuff), custom skull and cross bones and marble effect for a friends custom Pc build.

Ok, enough ranting and raving out of me, just watch my nervous, un-edited, one-take video and let me know what you think.

For now, peace out internetz!

1 comment:

  1. BTW, the video is rendering at the moment, and will be a while, but BELIEVE ME, once it's up, you'll all sure as hell know about it! :)
