Sunday 22 January 2012

Practice makes....... something.

Hey guys.

So there are some things in the pipeline, I have been making display pics like mad for my friends with Flash. I have also been getting more illustration programs (adobe photoshop, Gimp and Corel painter) to practice my abilities and try to broaden my my skill set to include some styles that interest me but that I am currently incapable of doing very well. I also should mention here that my v ersion of flash has stopped working so until I fix it, I wont be able to make any more profile pics for anyone. At least not to the same style and ability that I was before.

I got a graphics tablet as well, (Wacom bamboo pen) and a new monitor because mine died a few weeks ago and I am really enjoying both of them. Playing LoL on a 32 inch TV was destroying my nervous system.

Anyways, I have been raging at LoL lately so I have been giving it a rest. I just lose every time I play and it has become a depressing angering morbid chore to play it.

WoW has also gone on hiatus..... almost indefinitely. I have no motivation to play as there is never anything new in the game and internet people and their relentless abuse and trolling makes me rage, not to mention that I can't progress cos I can't find a guild and I can't find a guild cos I can't progress, then there's the fail loot systems in the Looking for Raid raid to make me rage..... Just a rage-fest left right and centre really.

So at the moment, just madly practising art in every medium I can get my nerdy little hands on and trying to give enough thanks for all the support ALL of my friends have shown for my abilities as an artist and my recent attempt at internet mediocrity.

So I would just like to say: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! It really is the words of my friends and role models that drive what I do (most of the time to my detriment) but this time the support has been overwhelming and I love you all for it!

In the mean time, keep an eye out for whatever I might be working on next,

Peace out internetz!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Seriously animating.

I know that not too many (if any) people read this blog, but here I go again.

I have spent the last week or so of my abundant free time, studying everything I can about Flash, animation techniques and methods, and practising using flash for basic animations and the like and have been really enjoying it. I have also been to TAFE and signed up for the diploma in information technology (networking) so that I may finally have something to actually show an employer as a reason they should hire me.

In all my time on the earth I have been into cartoons, (as evidenced by the tattoos on my arms) and I'm definitely not saying that I think this is my new calling, but I submitted another cartoon that I made in a night to (check it out, the link to the site is in the sidebar and the video is on the video's page of this blog), and actually received some really good reviews! One member said that it "may be very well the best one I've seen" and I got two 10/10 ratings and none below 7/10.

This has inspired me a little to start serious work on a an animated short. I'm not too sure of what I'll do, but at the moment I'm focussing on learning all I can from artists of other flash videos that I have watched and been inspired by for years ( seriously check this guy out, he's Australian and his stuff is AMAZING! has been on the best of all time wall of newgrounds for 7 years now) and learning all I can from actual training videos that I got.

I also have some interest from a friend of mine, Reece Simmounds, who is a talented artist and a good friend of mine, to start working on an animation collaboration. All of this is getting me really excited as to what the future might hold for me as an animator, but in the mean time, I'm just trying to raise $90 for a graphics tablet.

I would like to hear from you guys in the form of a wall post at or a comment on here, some good ideas for an animated short. I'm looking at something scored, possibly without any dialogue and something in the drama or alternative realm, rather than comedy. I am also looking at doing something that doesn't have people in it.

Comments and suggestions are welcome and invited, but for now,


Sunday 15 January 2012

Another flash video!

Made another flash vid, this one is a serious one and I can't upload it to youtube because youtube takes ages and heaps of my net.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

HERE IT IS!!!!!!!

Please be gentle...

Enjoy, internetz!

First real Youtube upload!

Hey internetz!

So today I decided to bite the bullet. I have filled out the application to begin a TAFE course studying a diploma in information technology (networking).

Also, even though so far my blog has been about WoW, LoL and my gaming endeavours, as those of you who know me will know, and those of you who don't will, over time, begin to understand, I am very sporadic with my hobbies and job interests. Which leads me to my next big news: I have uploaded a video response to a "miniwargaming" video on youtube, detailing some of my favourite painted and presented Warhammer 40k miniatures!

I know what you're thinking (although, I'm not  "Australia's Simon Baker!". God Damn Cable TV advertising), I am a total NERD! Well.... you're 100% correct! I love miniature war games, and have on and off for my whole adolescent life. I have never had the chance to play real matches, because I was so old when I started playing that I was kind of excluded from the TINY circle of mini war gamers there was in my tiny home town of Darwin Australia. But WHO CARES?! I pressed on, collecting, losing, re-collecting, selling, buying, painting and loving Warhammer 40k on and off for my whole life which has led me to he small collection that I have today and all the friends I have made along the way. (Not to mention the friends that I have introduced to the hobby.... you know who you are Duane).

So please, if you're reading this, Follow the link that I put up, watch the video, subscribe, like and comment on the video, and if you feel so inclined, suggest a miniature that you would like to see painted.

Also, to show off some of my painting abilities, I am going to try to hunt down pictures of a computer case that
I painted in a Kandy apple orange (yes, the REAL House Of Kolor stuff), custom skull and cross bones and marble effect for a friends custom Pc build.

Ok, enough ranting and raving out of me, just watch my nervous, un-edited, one-take video and let me know what you think.

For now, peace out internetz!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Repping the local Darwin Hip Hop.

Thought i Would give a shout out to Sono and Cynic, as they are some of the most talented musical artists I have seen out of Darwin in  my time there.

Here are some links to check their shit out:

and my favourite track by them:

League of forfeits.....

I have been plying a lot of League of Legends lately and over the past couple of days on my grind from level 27 to 30 I have hit a massive losing streak, wherein I have been getting really down on myself for playing really poorly and just forfeiting every single match once it has become too far gone to recover from.

I think it is because I had been focussing completely on playing Tryndamere, and through a combination someone's comments about how "only noobs play Tryndamere", the fact that I learned that in the ranked levels draft pick games you have to be able to play multiple champions because the other team can ban certain champs and the fact that one of the guys I play with (shout out goes to T3kn33kz) has started playing with Tryndamere, I have been playing Graves. though I have been enjoying playing him on the whole, I think that the difference in game play styles between Graves and Tryndamere has just thrown me off completely.

While I have been doing some studying and researching about competitive LoL, I stumbled across some championship matches that I thought I would share with you guys.

So, going forward I will be stepping up the amount of time spent playing LoL, practising with even more champions and trying not to rage so hard at my constant losses by trying to see that each loss isn't a failure, just a lesson in how NOT to do it.

On a quick note before I go, I would like to see a comment on this from you guys with what champ you play and why you love that champ!

Peace out for now internetz!

Monday 9 January 2012

Notable WoW Characters

As mentioned in my last post, here are some of my notable WoW chracters:

Grylz, Tauren Druid:

Sumdude, Undead Priest:

Lifedayz, Orc death Knight:

Sharing my gaming experiences

So I had been playing World of Warcraft a lot for quite some years now and until recently, I was enjoying it.
I'm not too sure what has changed that for me, mostly, when asked, I'll report that the shitty loot system that the new "LFR" has implemented meant that classes who can't use my gear keep being able to need roll on it and take the gear I really need to vendor it, or just for shits and giggles.

Nonetheless, I was still playing for some time and I had been in a guild that I really enjoyed being in, then the guild collapsed. I subsequently moved to another guild (no names need be mentioned) and have not enjoyed my time there. Combine that with the fact that most of my mates who I started playing to play with have stopped playing, and League of Legends is so much more fun for me at the moment, I have stopped playing WoW almost indefinitely.

All of that aside, I have decided to sling up some of my favourite screen-shots from my time in game with my mates for all of the world (the 2 people that will probably read this XD) to see. Who knows, maybe this little exercise will convince me to play again? don't get me wrong, I do PLAN to play again, I just don't have the drive to right at the moment.
I will be trying to pick it up in the future again, so that I can have things to make videos about to share with the world, but to be honest, I am not actually great enough at any aspect of any game to really have that much to share.

Any ways, let me know what you think if anyone is reading this. Tell me something you want to see. Ask me a question. Let me know what you think of my screen-shots and if you're so inclined, check out my characters on the wow armoury.

Peace out and enjoy, internetz.

Just trying something out.

I just wanted to make a new post to see if my "rate this post" settings had come into effect.

First blog ever!

So I'm new to this whole "blogging" thing, but I suppose it was time to catch up.

As any of you who know me will know, I have recently moved to Cairns from Darwin and have had some trouble finding work.
This got me to thinking. Swifty and Lore and other various internet personalities like that have made a living from producing media to distribute on the internet, why couldn't I?

So here it is! the first blog post of my blog site with which I intend to promote my self, my works, my activities and try to start living the dream.
I have not really got anything with which to work at this point, but this is just the beginning! My first goal: to make $150 on my Google ad sense account and receive my first ever payout, but I can't do it without you guys, the internetz. So please, if you have some spare time, have a look at some of my vids on youtube ( and like, thumbs up and subscribe. I know there is nothing of any interest there, but stay tuned for when I get set up and can start frapsing my games, filming some videos and doing some other fun stuff like that.

I also have a channel that I sometimes stream my games on, feel free to head over there and subscribe to get notified of when I am streaming.

Any ideas and advice for an aspiring internet media personality are appreciated and I do real all the comments on my videos, so go to town on them.

That's all from me for the time being, but stay tuned as I will be on here a lot from now onward.

Bye internetz!